Border Region Talent Pipeline
In 2023, 加拿大28走势图查询 joined the K16 Collaborative with economic developers, educators and industry leaders to support innovative business and career pathways in San Diego and Imperial Counties. The Border Region Talent Pipeline will streamline equitable pathways from high school to postsecondary education and into the workforce. 加拿大28走势图查询 is leading the postsecondary efforts to engage local industry and colleges in Imperial Valley. Our goal is to increase access to high-wage, high-demand careers for diverse and underrepresented local talent and increase mobility in Imperial Valley.
Summer 2023 Internships
The K16 Collaborative kicked off the first round of paid internships in summer 2023. In partnership with Imperial Valley College, 加拿大28走势图查询 was able to successfully place 12 local students in areas of engineering and computing with local industry. The program will offer additional rounds of paid internships through 2026.
Get Involved
There are multiple ways to join the collaborative and stay updated.
We welcome local industry to participate in employer working groups in the following target industries: business, engineering, computing and more to come.
We encourage local businesses to participate as worksites in future internship rounds. As a worksite, employers can host new talent while compensation, onboarding and insurance is covered by our independent employer of record.
We encourage local colleges to become a Verified Program with K16 Collaborative. Students of Verified Programs will be eligible to apply for the upcoming rounds of paid internships (at $22/hour for up to 240 hours!)
The K16 Collaborative also convenes Communities of Practice meetings. Learn more about ways to join and stay updated via e-newsletter: Sign Up for E-Newsletter.
For any questions about this initiative or ways to participate, contact Sean Wilcock at sean@orgalifebd.com, Alessandra Muse at alessandra@orgalifebd.com or call our office.
Learn more at k16talentpipeline.org.